Decoding Effective Stewardship, Recommendations for Impactful & Data driven Stewardship Download the Whitepaper

Special Preview: MaanchMetrics for Funders

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Thursday 17th October // 5:30 – 7:00pm

Buzzacott LLP, 130 Wood Street, London EC2V 6DL

We would love your feedback and input!

Over the past year Team Maanch have been refining our impact metric, matching algorithms and SDG lens for global projects. Together, these form our MaanchMetrics.

We are nearly ready to release our full platform for individuals to search for and fund global projects. Before we do so, we are giving our wonderful community an opportunity to get a first look at how far we’ve come, and sense check our work.

If you’re interested in finding projects aligned to your values and preferences, and want to see what the Maanch community of charities have to offer in terms of high impact, exciting, valuable projects, then join us on Thursday 17th October in London to take our logic for a test drive!

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