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Taking a look at the ‘E’ in ESG: How can Investor Engagement contribute to tackling top environmental issues?

In parallel with a growing focus on ESG, active investor engagement has become an increasing […]

Read More September 20, 2021

Beyond the Sustainable Development Goals

A prominent discussion in today’s complex world of impact is: “Are the UN SDGs enough […]

Read More September 8, 2021

ESG Engagement in Investment Management: The corporate perspective

Following our recent blog post concerning investor ESG engagement, we at Maanch wanted to look […]

Read More July 16, 2021

Closing the Maanch Coronavirus Relief Fund: Lessons learnt on tech, due diligence, and collective giving

An immediate response in the face of crisis In March 2020 the WHO officially declared […]

Read More May 26, 2021

The Future of Philanthropy in the UK

Most reports agree on one thing: Philanthropy is changing. “Philanthropy can no longer be about […]

Read More April 8, 2021