Decoding Effective Stewardship, Recommendations for Impactful & Data driven Stewardship

5 Simple Tips to Optimise your ‘Work From Home’ Experience

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As coronavirus continues to rapidly spread around the globe, millions are now self isolating & working from home in order to prevent the spread of the virus. Our first full week working from home (‘WFH’) since the government lockdown was announced in response to the coronavirus outbreak has come to a close. As a London-based tech startup with a number of our team members located across the globe, some of us are more prepared and used to efficiently working remotely than others. So how do the rest of us adapt to this new way of life?

During our team check-in call this week we discussed the current challenges we have all been facing while in isolation, any feelings that have emerged as a result, and shared how we have incorporated different ways to cope during such a difficult time.    

Here are 5 tips from Team Maanch that help us to stay on track and remain positive during this difficult time:

1. POSITIVITY – Start every morning with a little bit of ‘Post It therapy’

“First thing I do when I wake up in the morning is to pick up my ‘Post It’ pad and write down a thought, idea, reminder or quote that gives me a good feeling and put it on my bedroom mirror. That way I see it while getting ready. Keeping myself focused on the positive and the happy things in life, as well as what I am grateful for is so important for me during self-isolation and lockdown. Starting my morning this way is a good way for me to set the tone for the rest of the day and make sure I approach things on a positive note.”Cecilia Hersler, Head of External Relations

Post It Therapy

2. ENERGISE – Give yourself an energy boost

“I found working from home this week harder than I expected. With both my husband and I working remotely and alternating caring for our 2 year old daughter, I was mentally and physically exhausted at the end of each day. However, the past couple of days I began each morning by doing a 10 minute series of stretches and exercises aimed at boosting my overall energy. It was a game changer. Increasing my stamina & clearing my mind preparing myself for the long day ahead has been crucial to helping me give both my job and family my absolute best. Here’s 10 morning stretches I recommend to help you kickstart your day!” – Mishelle Brito, Head of  Communications

3. DISCIPLINE – Learn to discipline yourself

“Create some pleasant routine around your day and follow it. It’s time to start following diet and exercise plans, studying new languages, watching good movies, reading new books. Embed all of those activities into your daily agenda in between work hours and strictly follow it. By the end of the day, you’ll feel that it has been productive and fulfilling because you have managed to accomplish everything that has been planned. Avoid any distractions and keep your mind always focused on the moment of NOW.” – Natalia Nyshchenko, Director of Strategy

4. BALANCE – Maximise your productivity by ‘time-blocking’

“I always block my working hours when I focus on work tasks only. Additionally, I  snooze my email and chat notifications when working on a specific task to avoid any distractions ensuring that I will finish the task quicker. I plan blocks of time with my family as well and make sure I get in some ‘Me time’. I also start my day with a short 15 min meditation using the Headspace mobile app. They have great guided and non-guided meditations essential to keeping a work-life balance.” –Larysa Chernenko, Head of Product 

5. BREATHE –  Take a deep breath

“Whenever I feel overwhelmed or face challenging moments such as these, I make sure to anchor & centre myself around my breathing for energy. It’s a specific energy breathing method: While sitting in a comfortable place, take 30 quick, deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Then, take a deep breath and exhale; hold until you need to breathe in. Inhale again, as deep as you can, and hold it for 10 seconds. Repeat as many times as you like.” – Darshita Gillies, Founder & CEO

**Bonus Tip from our tech team in India:

6. INNOVATE – Create & learn to Innovate

“It’s been difficult for me to differentiate my work and home environment. I need to feel a separation of space in order to feel balanced. As a result, I’ve created a makeshift office in a corner of my flat where I can focus on work. I’ve also added items and/or elements that give me a sense of calm in this space like soft music. I even turned a chair into a makeshift desk to get the full experience!” – Dhawal Mehta, Managing Director, Aegatis Technologies

Team Maanch #WFH

This week our team worked tirelessly around the clock to launch the Maanch CoronaVirus Response Fund, aimed to support the most impactful initiatives run by organisations locally and globally to overcome the effect of the outbreak. Donate now to support those who have already been affected by coronavirus, to prevent the epidemic expansion and to build a more resilient future!

“By collaborating, we can fix the issues brought to the fore by the Coronavirus pandemic and change the world for the better, now and in our future – and that of the next generations.” – Darshita Gillies

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