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Enhancing Stewardship Impact: The Crucial Role of Tracking Engagement Outcomes

Success in stewardship demands dedication and thorough reporting on the outcomes of engagement efforts, showcasing the positive impacts on clients, consumers, the economy, and society at large.

Read More February 21, 2024

The Role of Collaborative Engagements Among Asset Managers

Collaborative engagements are transforming asset management, with ESG considerations becoming integral to risk management and long-term value creation. European and North American firms are leading the way, setting a precedent for global sustainable investment practices.

Read More February 12, 2024

Thematic Engagements: Roundtable Summary

In a year marked by systemic challenges—from climate change to social inequality, biodiversity loss, and health crises—asset managers play a pivotal role in fostering positive transformation. This roundtable uncovered thematic engagements and their crucial role in steering responsible stewardship.

Read More December 14, 2023

Reporting on Engagement Outcomes: Roundtable Summary

The roundtable discussion brought together a diverse group of practitioners and stewardship experts to discuss top-of-mind challenges and best practices for stewardship. BlackRock, Columbia Threadneedle Investments, Impax, CCLA and UBS were among the leading organisations in attendance.

Read More June 22, 2023

ESG Engagement and Stewardship: Roundtable Summary

Investment professionals and consultants joined the roundtable to explore voting policies, emerging thematic engagements, and efficient stewardship practices. UBP, ShareAction, Schroders and Close Brothers Group were among the leading organisations in attendance.

Read More May 24, 2023

Maanch Launches New Website For Its Stewardship Platform For Asset Managers

Discover the new Maanch Engagement Tracker website, designed for asset managers. With a user-friendly interface and a knowledge centre featuring expert articles, optimise your stewardship practices today.

Read More May 24, 2023