Decoding Effective Stewardship, Recommendations for Impactful & Data driven Stewardship


Innovate or Stagnate: How Midsize Asset Managers Can Stay Ahead with Strategic Engagement

Outperforming Giants: How Small Asset Managers Win with Stewardship

Highlights from the “Responsible Asset Owners Europe” event

Challenges and Opportunities of SDR: Costs, Compliance and Innovation

Driving Biodiversity Action: Investors’ Role in Stewardship and Policy Implementation

Bridging the Nature-Related Financial Disclosure Gap: The Road Ahead

Resourcing Stewardship: Empowering Asset Managers and Owners with Data-Driven Insights

Risk, Return and Real World Impact: Redefining Stewardship for Gen Z Demands

From Passive to Active Stewardship: Escalation Strategies that Drive Transparency and Accountability

From Passive to Active Stewardship: Escalation Strategies that Drive Transparency and Accountability

Impact Attribution in Stewardship: Steering Towards Measurable Outcomes

The Evolution of Stewardship in Asset Management:  Bridging Gaps and Streamlining Processes

A Strategic Approach to Responsible Investing in 2024's Proxy Season

Preparing for the 2024 Proxy Season: A Strategic Guide for Responsible Investing

Enhancing Stewardship Impact: The Crucial Role of Tracking Engagement Outcomes

Trends in Stewardship and Engagements

Trends in ESG Stewardship and Engagement

Challenges and Opportunities in ESG Engagement

Why Including Net Zero Goals In Your ESG Strategy Should Be A Priority

Effective Engagement: Why and How Shareholders Engage

Phil Clark, ESG Investment Expert joins the Maanch Advisory Council

Actionable Impact Reporting: Where to start?

What is Hindering Philanthropic Progress in the Mental Health Sector?

Why a Shared Purpose is critical to bringing Positive Change in your Organisation

Technology & Investment Engagement: Lessons from Engine1’s engagement with ExxonMobil

Is there a generational gap when donating to charity?

Accelerating Investor Impact with the Maanch Engagement Tracker

How can donors be more informed about the social impact of their charitable donations?

How Sustainable Finance and Debt can accelerate action towards the Sustainable Development Goals

Accelerating Philanthropic Impact through the Maanch Funder Questionnaire

A Total Impact approach to Purpose & Performance

COP26 and Beyond: Reimagining Global Growth to deliver the Paris Agreement

ESG: a Distraction or a Revolution?

Taking a look at the ‘E’ in ESG: How can Investor Engagement contribute to tackling top environmental issues?

What are the Funder Challenges on the Road to Impact?

Beyond the Sustainable Development Goals

Regulating Engagement: Demonstrating Impact in Accordance with the 2020 Stewardship Code

Creating Sustainable Businesses with Net Societal Impact

Regulating Engagement: Demonstrating Impact in Accordance with the FCA guidelines

ESG Engagement in Investment Management: The corporate perspective

The Power of Net Zero Pensions

Investor ESG Engagement: What is it and why does it matter?

Five Strategies for Creating Sustainable Businesses

Impact Measurement- Challenges and Opportunities

The Future of Philanthropy in the UK

Creating a Business Culture of Sustainability

circular financing

What is Circular Financing?
